Nutritional Value of Corn:
Corn or maize is one of the most popular cereals in the world. Corn forms the staple food of numerous people in different countries including, US, India, etc.
Nutrition Facts and Information about Corn: Corn is rich in phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron and selenium. It also has small amounts of potassium.
Vitamin Content: Corn has Vitamin B (Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Riboflavin, Folate). It has traces of Vitamin A and Vitamin E.
Calorie Content of Corn: Cereals are the prime source of calories for many people. The calorific value of most cereals lies between 330 to 350 calories per 100 gm, the calorific value of corn being 342 calories per 100 gm.
Health Benefits of Corn: There are no particular health benefits of corn, except for the fact that it provides necessary calories for daily metabolism of the body. Corn is good for skin care, boosting nervous system, digestion, and maintaining low cholesterol levels.
Nutritional Value of Rice:
Nutrition Facts and Information about Rice: Rice is a good source of proteins, phosphorus and iron. It also contains some amounts of calcium. Most of the nutrients and minerals in rice are concentrated in the outer brown layers known as husk and germs. Hence brown rice, which is rice from which only husk has been removed, is the most nutritious type of rice. Unfortunately, many consumers prefer pseudo cosmetic preferences and demand white rice or polished rice, in which the germ and bran has been removed.
Lemon Rice Vitamin Content: Rice contains vitamin B in small quantities.
Calorific Content of Rice: There is no other food item that provides calories and energy to the world as provided by rice. It is not wrong to say that most of the people in the world as able to do their daily activities due to rice. Rice has about 345 calories per 100 g. Further, it is very easy to digest rice and hence most of these calories are absorbed by the body. How many times has it happened with you that you have eaten stomach full of rice and have felt hungry just one hour later?
Health Benefits of Rice: The nutritional value of rice makes it good for indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, nausea, skin disorders and high blood pressure.
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