Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tips for Breathing

1. For breathing that is centering and sometimes energizing.
Supported by a small round pillow as above or a
NADA Chair, Sit out near the edge of a fairly hard surfaced chair, stool or arm of a couch with feet flat on the floor, or stand. Both of these positions need an erect but not so stiff posture. Be "tallest" with your chin slightly above the horizon. If you stand, bend your knees slightly so as to unlock them.
Let your tongue lightly touch the roof or your mouth and your jaw relax.
Place your thumbs over your kidneys (below your back ribs and above your pelvis). Wrap your fingers around your sides. Squeeze gently as you nose breathe long slow deep breaths into your squeezed fingers and thumbs. Try and match the breathing cycle of the animated logo at the top of this page for a timing reference. In any event, make sure the exhale is twice as long as the inhale. It may work better for you to use silent number counting (one thousand one, one thousand two, etc.) to gauge that, again just make sure the exhale is twice as long or even more than twice as long as the inhale..
Now, using the animation or a number count or both, take 10 complete in and out breaths, making sure to squeeze and breathe simultaneously.
Did that feel good? Try bringing your shoulders back about two to three inches as you breathe in. Was it easier to breathe? Do it THAT way then.
Repeat 5 -10 10 second breathing cycles with a few seconds rest in between or for as long as it feels good.
There are better exercises for increasing energy but you may get real energized from this one. Dizziness, spaceyness or otherwise confusion means you should stop and continue your day or stop and recommence in a minute or two after the energy has subsided or integrated within you.
Repeat it several times daily as well.
If you felt even a little better from the above exercise you can feel a lot better with the following.

2. Don't hold your breath.
Primary O2 deficiency causes an O2 deficit in the cell wall cells of the venous capillary end, which then swell and thereby lead to a narrowing of the vessel with reduced blood flow.*
People with an unbalanced breathwave are oxygen and life-force starved; they are often nervous or anxiety prone and suffer from unnecessary worries; they have low energy, experience depression, confusion, chronic tension, powerlessness and physical ills.

3. Exhale into exertion.

4. For Strong Voices.

Your voice is often a reflection of your core level internal power and vitality. Ever notice how a lot of "old" people have weak crackly voices?
A strong voice is often a good sign of healthy breathing if combined with a good number count, long pauses and a below 10 count breath rate.
A strong voice with a LOW number count, high breath rate, fast pause rate and large chest has has been observed in emphysema victims.
The voice is "wind" passing membranes. It is possible to detect slight changes in the breathing by monitoring the sound and feelings/vibrations of the voice. Private session only. 

5. Ticklish?
If you are pressure ticklish (not the light touch type of ticklishness), in your rib/chest, belly crotch or pelvic area, it is tension. No tension, no ticklishness. Tension creates a restriction of easy deeper breathing.

6. Stress Management
At the first sign of stress, take an extended exhale to center yourself. Then make your inhales and exhales long and slow until you know you have contained your stress response as best as you can. With practice you will be able to think, breathe and feel centered at the same time. It works a lot like martial arts but without a foundation of offense or defense.
7. Observing the breath

This is a type of breathing meditation.Though this one may drive some into intense anxiety, it works well for many others. Choose one or more five minute sessions daily.
Pick a comfortable chair to sit in, and try to keep your back straight, though for some this actually makes the breathing go shallow.

Just follow your breathing. Breathing in and breathing out. Keep your tongue gently touching your upper palate right behind your teeth. The tongue position will complete an energy circuit that both Yogic and Taoist teachers say exists. This is supposed to conserve the breathing energy.

Try it while waiting in line, sitting at a stoplight, listening to a lecture. Whatever you are doing, look at breathing without trying to influence it.
It can be a good way to detach from daily pressures and putting your mind into a neutral place.

This breath following should be relaxing. Whether or not it is you may be interested in taking our breathing tests and seeing how to make this work for you or to expand your breathing beyond its present condition.

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